not so serious..

i do not consider myself witty and neither do i consider myself as someone who can move you to tears over a coreny yet well-delivered joke. nope. i'm just not it.

but i can be really talkative. and i can really be very serious when i talk about my passion, my "what drives me."

my passion drives me to excel. it drives me to perform. it drives me to go the extra mile. it drives me to extend a helping hand, to provide a comforting nudge, to give out a hint of acknowledgment, to... love.

i love. perhaps the word that has been closest to my heart since i knew how to read and write was love. i knew it even way before i myself have been 'asked' to define it. i have been blessed with love ALL my life yet sadly there were times when my view of love was distorted. i became selfish and... self-vindictive at the same time. i took pride in "getting" a fair share. i wallowed in an unseemingly unquenchable thirst for fulfillment. i lived a lie.

but now no more. i must say that it really feels GREAT to be free. i am not happy, i am GLAD to be free.. to be controlled yet not strangled, to be accountable yet not surveilled.

serious? i can't believe what i've just written but i guess, that's everything there is in my heart at this very moment.

i'm dumbfounded yet rattling, babbling at the same time.

must be love... made anew.

thank you, lee layson, for being God's instrument. i will forever be grateful to the Father for you, my beloved friend.

thank you, momsie melanie, for covering me with your prayers, your love and your godly counsel.

thank You, Dear God, for my family, and for guiding me, protecting me and sending me people with whom i can share Your most wondrous, merciful, "pure, holy and blameless" kind of love.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
-2 Corinthians 5:17

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