A New Record...


My 10K "record"
Milo, July 2006>> 1:13:58
Adidas, Sept. 2006>> 1:12:36
Milo, Dec 2006>> 1:05:28

A new record for moi! I was aiming for a 1:10 finish but ended up 5 minutes earlier. Results, results! If I increase my "training" days (and buy that much-needed new pair of running shoes) perhaps I could aim for 1:00 next time.
Although such a finish doesn't really call for much of a celebration (1:09 was the 16K record for the 3rd top female finisher in Yakult), to me it's already much of an achievement. I really enjoy running and perhaps that's why it doesn't feel like a race for me. However, I wagered for a choco-sundae if Edison beat me by a minute. I've jogged with him (her?) only once before and my team finished ahead of his (hers) in the Enduro so I thought the choco-sundae was more of a motivation for me than him (her). To my surprise, he (she) finished at 1:01! By golly. "Never underestimate the power of your opponent." OK, then. Wink, wink. One choco-sundae whenever he (she) wants it.

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